⚛️Wormhole3 is a decentralized attention trading platform powered by curation protocol. Our platform extends community-as-a-service, enabling anyone to launch decentralized communities in minutes.

Features: ➡️The on-chain community credit system aggregates user’s on and off-chain social assets and community contribution. ➡️The asset deployment and distribution features allows fair distribution of assets to contributors. ➡️Our curation protocol tokenizes user’s attention and influence, valuates content and reward content creators and curators. DApp: https://alpha.wormhole3.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wormhole_3 Docs: https://wormhole3.gitbook.io/build-your-community/

✴️Nutbox is the hub for creating and governing protocol DAOs. Anyone can create and deploy community assets, customize the tokenomics and distribution mechanism in minutes. Our innovative Initial Staking Offering feature empower DAOs to launch community tokens through staking of any PoS asset. DApp: https://app.nutbox.io/ Docs: https://nutbox-io.gitbook.io/nutbox/intro/welcome

💪 We’re building infrastructure and tools to truly realize decentralized communities. Our backers include Waterdrip Capital, Bluemountain Labs, DT capital. Part of Polygon, BNB, NEAR, Arbitrum, Linea, NULS ecosystem. Coincidence Labs: https://coincidencelabs.notion.site/Coincidence-Labs-bc23ff06835648e68b71933a6f8fba92?pvs=4 一文读懂:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uTzkTLeh_qXy02UU5uEfIg