
The DAO which started by Bitcoin, it’s the Holy Grail. But DAO are not only for governance purpose. 本文从Bitcoin white paper出发,提出Protocol DAO —— 使用协议构建开放经济系统,并以此实现其冷启动的组织,希望DAO能够真正大规模扩散。DAO是每一次Crypto浪潮的核心,从Bitcoin、Altcoin、ICO、DeFi Summer到NFT,然而关于DAO的探讨和实践却大多数局限在治理层面。我们在此提出一种解决方案,通过PoS链的质押经济帮助DAO实现融资(Initial Staking Offering)并完成冷启动,以及让DAO有能力一键创建其社交策展协议,通过使用加密货币奖励社区建设和社交互动形成DAO的社区性,以此来让任何人可以启动协议DAO。ISO不仅是一种为DAO筹资的方式,更是一种保护投资者的方式,且拥有巨大的规模,它将成为支撑DAO生态最基础的经济模型。一个DAO只有形成社区性才能更持久发展,通过社交策展协议将DAO的资产分发出去正是在更广泛的人群中为DAO建设基底。Coincidence Labs已经从2020年10月在Peanut DAO开启这个实验,并陆续开发了其基础模块——Nutbox和Wormhole3,现在是时候让Protocol DAO进一步扩散了。

0. Background

Bitcoin is based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.

Bitcoin achieves this by: 1) The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. 2) As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers.

这些基于密码学原理实现,也依赖博弈条件下的经济原理 —— PoW共识激励机制。PoW共识不仅帮助Bitcoin构建了一个开放的经济系统,而且实现了Bitcoin的冷启动(Bootstrap Bitcoin)。

” Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone. “是Bitcoin开放经济系统的核心。

“ By convention, the first transaction in a block is a special transaction that…This adds an incentive for nodes to support the network, and provides a way to initially distribute coins into circulation, since there is no central authority to issue them. ”。这促成了Bitcoin社区的协作,并依靠PoW机制不断将bitcoin分配到流通领域,完成了Bitcoin网络的冷启动:






正是“开放的经济系统”和“以去中心化的方式启动项目”,让Bitcoin作为一个Protocol DAO,迅速地实现冷启动并快速发展成为一个超过500Billion的网络。我们可以称这种方式为“Protocol DAO as Bootstrap”。

随着Bitcoin的发展,2013年采用PoS机制的网络也开始以此方式来启动,2017年采取ICO的Crypto项目以及2020年通过流动性挖矿启动的DeFi协议都选择以此方式实现冷启动。它们都有着相似的价价值观,DeFi Summer时大家倡导的“无预挖、无募资、无团队预留”是其核心主张。

然而,当下绝大多数DAO或Crypto项目,不得不依靠中心化投资和媒体机构。这使得DAO或Crypto项目的启动成本过高,成为少数人的专利,且失去了Bitcoin开启的“Protocol DAO as Bootstrap”的优势。

1. Protocol DAO

We propose Protocol DAO, hoping to break this dilemma. The Protocol DAOs are the DAOs of the people, by the people, for the people that are not only commercially feasible, but also bring values to the entire world.

1.1. Introduce

A protocol DAO ecosystem that will not only survive but also thrive in the Web 3.0 age should have the below traits: